OceanWatch Marine and Coastal Directory

The Marine NRM Coastal Directory is designed to connect people and skill sets reducing silos between disciplines. This free register, publicly available on the OceanWatch website, is an easy way to engage new colleagues and extend your network, helping to fuel the growth of Australia’s blue-green innovations. Key information on Researchers, Natural Resource Management Agents and Suppliers working in the marine environment, are now accessible in one place.

Create an account or search for others.

Crown Lands Coastal Resources

Coastal resources developed by Crown Lands, NSW Department of Planning and Environment

NSW Waterwatch

NSW Waterwatch has developed resources including manuals for land managers, high schools and community groups on monitoring estuary health and water quality.

Click here for more information.

Coastal Management Toolkit

The Coastal Management Toolkit accompanies the Coastal Management Manual and can provide resources to assist in developing/implementing a coastal management program.

To access the Coastal Management Toolkit click here.

Sydney Coastal Councils Group Funding Guide 2019

The Sydney Coastal Councils Group develops a Funding Guide annually, including grant programs and awards, to assist its Members and other Councils/community groups in identifying potential sources of funding for environmental projects.

This guide is updated as necessary. Keep check of the relevant websites listed in the guide for further information on grant opening/closing dates not yet available.

Information Sources on Coastal and Estuarine Hazards

Sydney Coastal Councils Group has developed an Information Resource which provides sources of information, data, and tools for each of the seven hazards listed in the Coastal Management Act.

This resource is a working document and by no means inclusive of all available information. If you know of sources to add to this document please email info@sydneycoastalcouncils.com.au

Risk-based Framework for Considering Waterway Health

The NSW EPA has released the ‘Risk-based Framework for Considering Waterway Health Outcomes in Strategic Land-use Planning Decisions’.

NSW Litter Prevention Kit

The NSW Litter Prevention Kit released by the NSW EPA in 2013.

Coastal Management Guide – Teacher Resource Guide

The Coastal Management Guide has been developed by the Water Reserach Laboratory, UNSW, as a Teacher resource for high school years 7-10.

Download the pdf version or click on the link to view the e-book version.
