Stormwater Management and Water Sensitive Urban Design – Policy

Sydney Olympic Park Authority have developed a Stormwater Management and Water Sensitive Urban Design Policy. This is a good example of a policy for other agencies and local councils looking to develop there own.

Floodplain Risk Management Guidelines

The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage includes information and guidance on floodplain risk management. Click here for more information.

SCCG Groundwater Management Handbook

SCCG developed a Groundwater Management Handbook – A Guide for Local Government in September 2006.

Risk-based Framework for Considering Waterway Health

The NSW EPA has released the ‘Risk-based Framework for Considering Waterway Health Outcomes in Strategic Land-use Planning Decisions’.

2017 Metropolitan Water Plan

In 2017, The NSW Government published the Metropolitan Water Plan: Water for a Liveable, Growing and Resilient Greater Sydney.

Securing Our Water

The NSW Government published ‘Securing Our Water: NSW Government Water Reform Action Plan’ in December 2017.