SCCG Funding Guide 2024

SCCG published a funding guide annually to provide councils/community with a list of grants available to fund environmental projects/programs.

Coastal Erosion in NSW: Statewide Exposure Assessment

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has recently released the ‘Coastal Erosion in NSW: Statewide Exposure Assessment’.

The NSW Estuary Tidal Inundation Exposure Assessment

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has recently released ‘The NSW Estuary Tidal Inundation Exposure Assessment’.

Local Government Asset Management Better Practice Guide

In 2015 Local Government Victoria published the Local Government Asset Management Better Practice Guide.

Guide to Integrated Regional Vulnerability Assessment for climate Change

The Office of Environment and Heritage published a Guide to Integrated Regional Vulnerability Assessment for Climate Change to assist local government.

Implementing Emergency Risk Management through the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework

The NSW Government released a Guideline for Local Government and Emergency Managers on ‘Implementing Emergency Risk Management through the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.

Minimising the Impacts of Extreme Heat: A Guide for Local Government

NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and Adapt NSW have published a Guide for Local Government on ‘Minimising the Impacts of Extreme Heat’.

Policy and Guidelines for Fish Habitat Conservation and Management

In 2013 NSW Department of Primary Industries published the ‘Policy and Guidelines for Fish Habitat Conservation and Management’.

Guidelines for Disaster Resilient Communities

The Planning Institute of Australia published a document ‘National Land Use Planning Guidelines for Disaster Resilient Communities’.

Handbook for Local Government Leaders – How to Make Cities More Resilient

In 2010 the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction released a handbook for local government on ‘How to Make Cities More Resilient‘.