Stormwater Management and Water Sensitive Urban Design – Policy

Sydney Olympic Park Authority have developed a Stormwater Management and Water Sensitive Urban Design Policy. This is a good example of a policy for other agencies and local councils looking to develop there own.

WSUD Guideline – Transport Projects

NSW Roads and Maritime Service have developed a Water Sensitive Urban Deign Guideline for Transport projects.

WSUD Guidelines Library

Stormwater NSW has compiled a Water Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines Library, made up of relevant WSUD guidelines and planning controls developed by local councils.

Click here to view the Library.

Raingarden Information

Melbourne Water provides general information as well as factsheets on constructing and maintaining rain gardens.

Click here for more information.

Sydney’s Water Future: Planning for an Unrainy day

Issue Paper 20, entitled Sydney’s Water Future: Planning for an Unrainy Day, was published in December 2017 by The Committee for Sydney