5th WSC Conference – Water Sensitive Practice. Every city. Every day

The conference will be held 15–18 March 2021 and will both celebrate how far our cities have come and explore the next steps.

The 5th Water Sensitive Cities Conference, will involve

  • Learn from case studies, particularly transferable insights about what worked well and what we’d do differently
  • Build networks within and between states, so that these lessons can flow
  • Showcase the most recent tools emerging from the CRCWSC, and explore how industry has begun to use and evolve them
  • Explore how others have scaled up sustainability practice, and what this means for water sensitive cities

A draft program can be found here.

The program includes an interactive online conference, in person session hubs across Australian cities and a range of opportunities to network and participate to keep the conference engaging.

Conference registration ranges from $154 for 1 day to $524 for full 4 day conference. Book before 15 January and use the code EARLYBIRD2021 to receive 15% off your registration cost.

Full details are provided at the CRC for Water Sensitives Cities website.