MyCoast NSW Study

The MyCoast NSW Study was undertaken by UNSW in partnership with the Sydney Coastal Councils Group and NSW Surf Life Saving, and funded through the joint State and Commonwealth Natural Disaster Resilience Program.

The MyCoast NSW Study explores what the New South Wales community understands about coastal erosion and coastal inundation, as well as the driving forces behind these hazards: sea level rise and severe coastal storms. In this context, it highlights community knowledge, perceptions, values and attitudes of NSW coastal communities in relation to ‘their coast’ and key themes related to associated management issues and strategies.

The purpose of the MyCoast NSW Study was to provide an evidence-based platform that will assist local governments and coastal management professionals in the future development of suitable and effective educational strategies and programs to help improve the ability of NSW coastal communities to adapt sustainably to the risk of coastal erosion and inundation.

Project resources including a final report, factsheets and a study guide for high school teachers are available at, or can be downloaded below:

MyCoast NSW Study Report;

MyCoast NSW Factsheet 1;

MyCoast NSW Factsheet 2;

MyCoast NSW Factsheet 3;

MyCoastNSW Factsheet 4;

MyCoast NSW Teachers Guide

Factsheet: The Sydney Coastal Councils Group Experience in Prioritising Coastal Adaptation Options at the Local Level

Factsheet on the Sydney Coastal Councils Group project ‘Prioritising Coastal Adaptation Development Options for Local Government’, prepared as a resource for CoastAdapt.

Sydney’s Salty Communities Program Factsheets

A series of factsheets were developed under the Sydney’s Salty Communities Program including;

  • Connecting people and nature in urban landscapes
  • Engaging communities – tackling weeds
  • Adaptation and the climate ready tool
  • Blue carbon
  • Planning for climate change adaptation
  • Fox management in southern sydney