SCCG Strategic Plan 2019-2029

Sydney Coastal Councils Group is proud to present the SCCG Strategic Plan 2019-2029. This document consists of a new vision and sets our six goals which set to provide value for members and enhance and protect the coastal and estuarine environment.

This Strategic Plan was developed to align with key strategic documents developed by our member Councils and key stakeholders.  The Plan seeks to align with relevant legislation, policies and agreements including the Greater Sydney Commission’s Metropolis of Three Cities and District Plans; Coastal Management Act; Marine Estate Management Act and Australia’s obligations relating to biodiversity. The Plan also includes an evaluation of effectiveness and timely delivery of its strategies in alignment with local government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.

SCCG is confident in the suitably of this document to provide benefit to all key stakeholders and to appropriately manage the coastal and estuarine environment under the unprecedented changes set to occur in our coastal community and government services over the next decade.


The SCCG Strategic Plan 2019-2029 can be found here.