Title: Straw-cycling Crafternoon Activity
Location: Chatswood Library, The Concourse, Chatswood
Link out: Click here
Description: Come and make some curious creatures using recycled plastic drinking straws. Following Willoughby Council’s recent internal ban on single-use plastics, our facilities have ditched straws or made the switch to paper drinking straws. To use some of their leftover plastic straws, our Sustainability Education and Library teams are partnering to create a second life for those unused plastic straws. Make sure your creatures are upcycled again or thrown away in your red bin at the end of their lives. Workshop open to children 5-12, children under 10 years must be accompanied by someone over 18. Children 10–12 years must be accompanied by someone over 12 years.
Bookings essential. Note that this workshop sells out fast and that registrations open on Wednesday 2 January 2019.
Start Time: 14:00
Date: 2019-01-15
End Time: 16:00